Çerez Örnek

1. Yazokulumuz



Capture-Recapture Methods and their Application in the Medical and Life Sciences konulu
1. Yazokulumuz 1-3 Haziran 2010 tarihlerinde yapılmıştır.



Professor Dankmar Böhning
Applied Statistics, University of Reading

Dr Fazil Baksh
Applied Statistics, University of Reading

James Gallagher
Statistical Services Center, University of Reading



DAY 1 - 1 JUNE 2010
9.00 Welcome (Prof essor Fikret Ikiz)
9.15 L1: General concepts of capture-recapture (CR) and their application to life sciences
9.30 L2: Introduction to CR-problems and case studies
10.40 L3: Problems with 2 lists/sources
11.00 Coffee
11.30 P1: Practical
12.00 Lunch
13.30 L4: Log-linear modelling of contingency tables for CR
14.45 Tea
15.15 P2: Practical
16.00 End of Day 1

DAY 2 - 2 JUNE 2010
9.00 L5: Capture-recapture based upon multiple lists or sources
10.00 P3: Practical
10.45 Coffee
11.15 L6: Introduction to CR for continuous time experiments with case studies
12.00 Lunch
13.30 L7: MLE of population under homogeneity and the spade software
14.15 L8: Population size estimation: detection of heterogeneity
15.00 Coffee
15.30 P4: Practical
16.00 End of Day 2

DAY 3 - 3 JUNE 2010
9.00 L9: Population size estimation under heterogeneity
10.30 Coffee
10.45 P5: Practical
11.15 L10: CR for medical diagnostic testing with two (or more) diagnostic tests
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Case studies
- C1: Salmonella Outbreaks in France 1995
- C2: Hidden Scrapie in Great Britain
14.30 Tea
15.00 Presentations by participants
16.00 End of Day 3 and End of Course

Presenters: Professor Dankmar Böhning, Applied Statistics, University of Reading
Dr Fazil Baksh, Applied Statistics, University of Reading
James Gallagher, Statistical Services Center, University of Reading
Organisers: Professor Fikret Ikiz
Dr Timur Köse
Dr Mehmet Orman



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