Çerez Örnek



Count Data Modelling and Analysis with Applications in Medicine 9. Summer School


Organized by Professor Mehmet Orman (MO) and Dr Timur Köse (TK) (Ege University)
Lecturers: Professor Dankmar Böhning (DB) and Assoc. Prof. Stefanie Biedermann (SB) (University of Southampton) and Mr. James Gallagher (JG) (Statistical Services Centre Ltd.)


DAY 1 

9.00 -9.30        Welcome and opening (MO, TK)
9.30-10.30       L1: Poisson and Binomial Modelling (DB)
10.30-11.00     Morning break – Coffee and biscuits
11.00-11.45     P0: Introduction to STATA (JG)
11.45-12.30     P1: Poisson and Binomial Modelling (DB, JG, SB)
12.30-14.00     Lunch
14.00-15.00     L2: Negative-Binomial Modelling (JG)
15.00-15.30     Afternoon break – Tea and biscuits
15.30-16.30     P2: Negative-Binomial Modelling (JG, DB, SB)


DAY 2 

9.00-10.30       L3: Zero-Inflation-, Zero-Truncation-, Right-Censored Poisson modelling (SB)
10.30-11.00     Morning break – Coffee and biscuits
11.00-12.30     P3: Zero-Inflation-, Zero-Truncation-, Right-Censored Poisson modelling (SB, DB, JG)
12.30-14.00     Lunch
14.00-15.00     L5: Mixed Poisson and Mixed Binomial Modelling (DB)
15.00-15.30     Afternoon break – Tea and biscuits
15.30-16.30     P5: Mixed Poisson and Mixed Binomial Modelling (DB, SB, JG)
16.30-17.00     Closing Ceremony (MO, TK)

L=Lecture, P=Practical
All computing work will be done using STATA15.

Ege Üniversitesi